Every battle is a struggle and one unit can make a difference which is what I love about it. If there’s one thing to note about Attila it’s that its one difficult game. And so started a campaign that has brought me mainly joy and a hell of a lot of tears. I remembered the days of Empire Total War when Britain was literally three or four territories and could be conquered pretty quickly with a bit of elbow grease but boy have things changed! Britain is now made of about twelve regions each with heavily fortified angry people who don’ like Saxons very much. I Couldn’t really care less about the mission it gave me which was something incredibly vague like survive for twenty years! The British invasion however was nowhere close to being as easy as I thought it would. So anyway I started the campaign and completely ignoring the Attila bit of the game I set out to do whatever I wanted which being British meant nicking my homeland off those pesky Romans, Celts and Vikings who probably had more claim to Britain than I did.
“Do you see how big that fucking axe is? I bet that’ll make a few orphans” I thought as I chose the Saxon path and sealed my entry into hell. The map doesn’t look like much but believe me every step is a struggle!